"I want to remember this summer, Troy. But not like this." Okay, yes, that is a line from High School Musical 2. Whoops. Secrets out, I'm an HSM fan.
Any who, after Gabriella says this to Troy she walks away from what is unnecessarily dragging her down throughout this summer. Of course, she also sings about it.
I'm definitely not going to sing a song, but I am going to walk away.
We all have things in our past that haunt us and make us ask, "What if?"
But I'd like to pose a knew question: "What now?" Well, NOW, I'm going to do things that make me happy. NOW, I'm going to try even harder, NOW, I'm going to be even better.
There's a promise I've been making to myself for about a year now. It's a promise I make every Sunday as the week is about to begin. It's that this week I will be even better than last. I have my own things that are part of me becoming better, such as more scripture study, more time with my family, more time pondering the will of God, and more time praying to my Heavenly Father.
And NOW, I'm choosing to have more more's.
It's a start.
I'm going to help others more. I'm going to write more. I'm going to play the piano more. I'm going to practice more. I'm going to read more. I'm going to listen more. I'm going to look for others more. I'm going to love more. And I don't mean fall in love with someone new every week. I'm going to love others as our Father loves us.
I know I'll be happier and wiser and more aware of the spirit, and as well as more willing to do of the Fathers will. If we do more for others, do more to strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and do more to strengthen and build ourselves we will feel and notice more of God's blessings and more of God's infinite love for us.
So DO, do MORE, and do it NOW.
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