I've been balancing many different emotions this past week. Some pleasant, and some, well, not so pleasant. I'm not upset, or resent having these emotions. No, not one bit.
Sometimes, being on your own in a new state, gives you the impression that you have to deal with certain things in your life alone. Whether its about school, boys, or any other type of relationships. But that's not true. This week has been new to me. I've lost communication with someone very dear to me, I had to prepare for my first college exam, and everything from my phone got deleted. (however I did finally get my laptop, woooo!) Losing everything from my phone may make me sound like some phone addict who freaks when something goes wrong with it, but I don't think I can be blamed for being upset after unexpectedly losing all my contacts. However, I must admit that I shoudn't have let it affect me. After a night of mourning my loss(don't judge), I prayed for peace of mind and to look at this situation in a positive way. I also seeked to understand that this communication I lost with this person could be a great thing for them & I. Oh & the test? Totally passed it. Awwyeah. I realized that all that weight I was carrying around, was something I didn't have to carry alone. The Savior feels the depth of our suffering and he wants us to cast our burdens upon him, and to know that we do not have to do this alone. We are not alone. When we wonder if we are known by our savior, we must remember that the Lord knows every detail of our prayers. He does not want us to leave him out of our lives. I know that the Lord is walking this journey with me, and because of that certainty, I know that I am not forgotten.