Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin gave an amazing talk about these words. They were words his mom would speak to him after things didn't quite go the way he'd expect them too. Those simple but powerful words helped him take the bad, with the good.

But I did leave. And it was mostly because I needed a place to runaway from everything that wasn't going the way I wanted it to. However, problems don't go away by just running away from them. That just doesn't happen. No matter how much I wished it could.
I learned a very important lesson that first week I was back in Rexburg:
GOD TAKES CARE OF IT. Especially after we do our part and put our trust in him.
Things are still not perfect. But I've learned to be okay with that. There's this quote from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants that has always stuck with me, "Being happy isn't having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it's about stringing together all the little things."
Wise words sista!