Monday, March 4, 2013

"Why does every moment have to be so hard?"

"Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
I was listening to "Won't Go Home Without You" by Maroon 5 and was intrigued by these few lyrics. Now, what I am to write concerning this has nothing to do with the song.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to watch the CES Devotional given by Elder David A Bednar. I really enjoyed the topic of his talk. It is understood that when we listen to talks, the spirit will testify to us certain things pertaining to our own personal situations in that moment. So here's just a brief summary of what the spirit testified to me just last night.

I find it so hard for me to be okay with me not getting what I want in life. I'm pretty sure that is a natural human characteristic, although my family blames it on the fact that I am the "baby" of the family. I beg to differ. Failure scares me. Sadly, it happens quite a lot. And I cannot find myself to be okay with it. It is difficult for me to "take of the bitter cup" and not become bitter. However, recently I have been very positive about school and relationships. Which is such an amazing thing! But there's no point in acting positive about a hardship in life when your aspect on the situation continues to be negative in the long run. Elder Bednar posed a very important question as he was telling the story of the young couple. He asked, "Do you have the faith to submit to His will and not be healed?" I'm definitely not going through a hardship like the young couple was going through, however, I was very touched with how I, in my personal trials, would answer this question. Do I have the faith? Will I have the faith to not be angry with life if I am not "healed"? How about when the guy I really like stops talking to me? Or what about when I don't get the grade I was expecting on a test? Or what if a family member loses their only job unexpectedly?  Will I give up?
Do I have the faith to submit my will for God's will? 
Although I can get slightly hurt when things do not go right. I am blessed to know of the grace of the atonement of Christ that has saved and redeemed me. My goal is to not just be with God, but to be like God. In Brad Wilcox "The Continuous Atonement" he mentions, "Because of the redemption offered by Christ, when we return [to our Heavenly Father] we will not only still be friends with God, we will be better friends than ever because we will have so much more in common." What a glorious truth! It really will be all worth it.
So, "Why does every moment have to be so hard?" Well, I'll just say the atonement was not for nothing. There was a purpose for what Christ went through. And it's comfort to know there's someone that will ALWAYS understand. And hey, let's never forget that "men are, that they might have joy." There's always a sunny day after the dark night. Enjoy life and cherish both the sunny days and even those dark cloudy days. It's truly so worth it.